Trans Rights Are Human Rights

Casa de Colores is a 501c3 non profit organization, serving trans migrant refugees in navigating the system with resources, temporary housing, and immigration services.


  • Safety

    The survival and safety of LGBTQIA+ migrant refugees (predominantly trans) is a major issue. Currently, four LGBTQIA+ people are murdered every day in Central and Latin America. At least 1,300 LGBTQIA+ people have been murdered in these regions in the past five years.

  • Discrimination

    Trans migrant refugees have been the most systematically targeted and discriminated against in Central and Latin America. This is through acts of violence, war, rape, kidnapping, trafficking, assault, torture, and murder.

  • Immigration

    Those who might have the chance to reach the border city of Juarez, Mexico, will need to wait their chance to cross the border into El Paso, Texas. Yet, the immigration process to cross the border is long and bureaucratic. Resources are hard to attain.

Don't Stop Dreaming


Don't Stop Dreaming 〰️

Don't Stop Dreaming


Don't Stop Dreaming 〰️

We are working tirelessly through advocacy, legal and social aid, and by providing resources for migrant refugees that identify as LGBTQIA+, predominantly trans and those living with HIV/ AIDS. These resources include clean water, food, clothing, shelter / shelter referral, telecommunications services, social worker and immigration lawyers on call, medical care, and - for very special circumstances - stipend services (cash in hand).